3X PACK Tide Perfect Clean [825g] Lemon and Kalamansi For Machine and Hand Wash Removes Micro Dirt Big Size Pack
With its advanced formula for whiteness and dirt removal, Tide Perpect Clean Lemon & Kalamansi Powder Detergent provides outstanding cleaning of linens. It contains both surfactant and enzymes to help you remove tough stains. One scoop of Tide is equal to 3 scoops of a generic powder; making Tide Lemon & Kalamansi the greatest value for money.
- Outstanding Clean and Stubborn Stain Removal
- Color Care Technology Keeps Whites Bright and Clothes
Looking New
- Does not leave behind powder residue on clothes and
- Easy Clean, Easy Rinse - Designed to work with Semi
Automatic Washing Machines and While hand Washing
- Fresh Lemon and Kalamansi Scent